Grow 16x Faster
with your Atlanta Web Design + SEO Partner


M16’s Atlanta Web Design and SEO services offer you a competitive advantage to grow 16x faster. Tap into our expertise to elevate your business, attract more customers, and drive unprecedented growth.

Web Design For Atlanta Companies

Google Recommends Responsive Web Design

Google recognizes three different configurations for building mobile-friendly sites. However, responsive web design is Google’s recommended design pattern.

  • Fluid grid layouts allow content to resize dynamically
  • Media queries conditionally apply styles and adjust elements
  • Scalable images ensure the images load appropriately for all devices
web design
atlanta responsive web design and seo web design services

SEO Services For Atlanta Companies

Google Recommends People-First Content

For SEO, Google recommends creating helpful, reliable and people-first content and avoiding search engine-first content.

Here are 3 key points we keep in mind when merging web design with SEO.

  • High-quality content is well-researched, up-to-date and accurate
  • Interactive content engages users and keeps them on your site longer
  • User-centric content delivers value, solves problems and provides valuable insights

How M16 Merged Responsive Web Design With SEO

In 2013, M16’s internal teams combined responsive web design and SEO using design techniques that simultaneously prioritized the user experience and search engine optimization.

Today, our Atlanta web design and SEO team creates bespoke user interfaces, optimizes page load speed, implements mobile-friendly design elements, uses structured data markup, and creates high-quality, easily shareable content across devices.

M16’s focus on strategy, UI, UX, SEO and responsive web design was intentional. Over 12 months, we observed that 80% of our SEO web-designed sites increased search engine visibility by over 400%.


Altanta Web Design and SEO Best Practices

Define Goals and Objectives

1) Define Goals and Objectives

Why do you want a new website? For it to succeed, you need to define your goals and objectives first. Maybe you want to improve your website’s search rankings, or perhaps you are trying to attract customers and drive sales.

Keep in mind that you can have multiple goals and objectives. If generating sales is your primary aim, increasing brand exposure may be a secondary goal. In this case, web design, content development and SEO must be a part of your new website’s strategy.

2) Perform Keyword Research

An effective content marketing strategy should center around the right keywords. Unfortunately, keyword research and hiring an experienced SEO company is something that many business owners and marketers disregard. If you don’t know which keywords have high search volume and low competition, however, you won’t be able to produce effective content.

3) Target your Audience

Not everyone is going to be interested in reading your content — and that’s OK. However, you should create content tailored specifically to users who are interested in it. They are your content’s target audience or “buyer persona,” and it’s important to create a strong connection with them.

If you’re writing a blog post about cloud computing, for instance, you should keep it formal and technical, whereas a blog post about home decorating should be informal and casual.

4) Create Evergreen Content

What is evergreen content and why do you need it? This content category is like the eponymous trees. Unlike their deciduous counterparts, evergreens are always green, regardless of the season. Evergreen content takes a similar approach by remaining relevant, with users always seeking to read or otherwise consume it, which is what makes it so useful and popular.

On the other hand, time-sensitive content is only relevant for a given period. An article about the latest Apple iPhone, for instance, is considered time-sensitive, in which case it will offer a limited, finite amount of views. But publishing an article about cybersecurity practices for mobile devices is seen as evergreen.

Target your Audience

5) Break up your Text

Notice how this website content you are reading is broken up into small sections separated by sub-headings? You should follow a similar approach when creating text content instead of making a wall of text.

According to a study conducted by Jakob Nielsen, people read only 20% of the text on a page. Contrary to popular belief, the human brain doesn’t read each word on a page. Rather, the brain scans sections while automatically looking for breaks like subheadings, bold text, italicized text, images, etc. Failure to break up your content into easy-to-digest sections such as this discourages users from digesting your content, making it less effective at helping you achieve your marketing goals.

6) Quality over Quantity

Another website content marketing mistake to avoid is focusing on quantity over quality. Some marketers assume it’s better to publish 10 low-quality articles than a single piece of high quality. This may have been true, but search engines now prioritize pages with high-quality content.

In 2011, Google released the Panda algorithm update to lower the search rankings of thin and low-quality websites. Affecting nearly 12% of all Google searches, this was one of the largest updates in the history of Google. Following the release of Panda, webmasters who published low-quality content saw their rankings drop, while their counterparts who posted high-quality content saw their rankings increase.

7) Diversify your Content

Don’t limit yourself to only creating articles, blog posts, and other written content. Achieve your marketing goals by publishing content using infographics, videos, podcasts, live streams, case studies, and more.

Some marketers may argue that video is even more powerful than text content. According to TechCrunch, YouTube now receives more than 1.5 billion visits every month. With video, you can convey your marketing message in a smaller and more compact format.

8) Cross-Promote Content

If you aren’t cross-promoting your content on multiple platforms, you won’t reap the full benefits of your efforts. Cross-promoting increases content visibility encourages more inbound links and promotes higher search rankings.

After publishing new content on your website, cross-promote it on social media networks like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. You can also cross-promote your content in email, blog posts, YouTube videos and elsewhere.

Diversify your Content
Update your Content

9) Update your Content

Just because you hit the “publish” button on your website or blog doesn’t necessarily mean you are finished. Even if it’s evergreen, you may still need to go back and update it with new information.

Proofreading your old, existing content may reveal a typo that you initially missed, in which case you can fix it. Alternatively, you may need to update statistics with newer data. Making subtle updates to your content such as this shows search engines that you are a leader in your niche.

10) Analyze Metrics

If you don’t know how your website’s content is performing, you won’t be able to optimize it properly. Depending on the type of content, you may already know basic metrics like sales or conversions. However, other metrics can improve your content marketing campaign, including average time spent on page, number of unique visitors, number of returning visitors, search rankings, social shares, inbound links, and bounce rate.

By following these 10 SEO web design best practices, you can create a website that is both user-friendly and optimized for search engines, helping to attract more traffic, engage your audience, and achieve better search engine ranking.